Homemade Vanilla Bean Ice Cream is pure magic. Any time you make something with your own hands, in your own home, it’s nothing short of amazing and fulfilling, but homemade ice cream is on another level. It’s not one of the typical things you see being made in your home kitchen growing up, so it has an aura and allure of mystery surrounding its creation and existence. Even as a grown adult (lol ya right) and knowing what’s in it, seeing a few simple ingredients transform into beautifully smooth, delicious ice cream is still awe-inspiring. Once you start making your own, you can’t stop. It’s just too easy, too fun, and too good. 😁
The beauty of ice cream is the purity of its ingredients. Why have we been taught it belongs in the smallest, least nutritious sliver of the archaic and flawed food pyramid? It only consists of a literal handful of whole, and dare I say, HEALTHY, ingredients including whole milk, cream, egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla. That’s it. The foundation of this dreamy dessert is the vanilla-infused custard base. It only takes a few minutes to mix it up and cook it slightly until it thickens. Then it just needs to be chilled until it’s ready to churn. A mere 30 minute churn session in your Kitchen Aid with the ice cream attachment* is all it takes to make a fluffy soft serve. If you have space in your freezer or have a chest freezer** (highly recommend), keep the bowl stashed away in there when not in use so you can fix up a batch of ice cream anytime (and we mean anytime 😏). The best thing we ever did was invest in a chest freezerNow stick that baby into the freezer overnight and you have yourself the most delectable ice cream.
Its taste is so pure with the floral majesty of vanilla gently licking the cream, its texture so perfectly stretchy and smooth. It’s truly a heavenly experience that almost brings a tear to the eye. Maybe I just love ice cream too much, but who doesn’t? It really is amazing. You just might cry too. Stock quarts of this in your freezer at all times and serve with Homemade Waffle Cones made with your very own waffle cone maker*** to experience a little homemade magic whenever you want. I reiterate: THIS IS A HEALTH FOOD (it fully replaced whey protein shakes). 😇
* 2019 husband’s Christmas gift
** 2022 husband’s birthday gift
*** 2024 husband’s Father’s Day gift